Saturday, 21 May 2011

Road to the South

Next morning the grandeur of the sun wakes us. Hiting the restaurant for a nice breakfast. What are the French doing? Just two little pieces of bread and some strong coffee. Where are my beans, sausages and eggs? Oh yeah, I'm in France! Just before taking the wheel the white dog looked at us with his hazelnuts brown eyes and asked for another hunt. Hi papa I didn't forget about the lost hunt yesterday evening. Can I give it another try ?
 I had the impression the dog is mastering me, instead of me mastering the dog. Some stretching exercises and there he goes like a rocket on the lawn. But the cat laughed and said : You are a poor slow dog, mate. I'm at home bloody foreigner. Get lost. Finally he jumps into the car and we leave the promises of the Happy Auberge.
Another 550km to go by following the yellow rear end of a van. A million hills up and down. And then, suddenly smoke comes out the frontside of the van. An emergency stop on the road side and checking the van. Brakes are smoking like hell. The van is overloaded and the brakes overheated. Another 150 km to go with almost no brakes. Go for it Many, be a great girl.  Tourists along the road look supprised at a van that goes down the hill at 80km/ph without any use of the brakes.
No lunch, but trying to get it over with and arriving safely at our destination.

Dogs paradise. What a hell, the first meeting is hectic. 4 dogs are waiting to be greeting us and our dogs are wondering what the hell is going on. Who are those bloody French creeps ?

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